
6 beauty gestures to look younger than your age


6 beauty gestures to look younger than your age We interviewed skin and skin aging specialists. Cosmetic and dermatological care, lifestyle, aesthetic medicine, they revealed their tips to adopt on a daily basis.

Anti-aging: how to keep a young face

Anti-aging: we focus on vitamin C

A dose of vitamin C every day is ideal. Lemon juice in tea, in water, on raw vegetables, in yogurts… Plus a vitamin C serum in the morning on the face, neck, décolleté and back of the hands. On the cream side, it is better to choose formulas containing at least 5% vitamin C. With effects that appear after six months of application.

Why does it work? A powerful antioxidant, vitamin C protects against UV-induced damage and stimulates the production of collagen by the skin. This allows it to fight against wrinkles. It also has an action on the radiance of the complexion. It becomes brighter if you use a treatment that contains it (Idealia Pro by Vichy, for example).

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Anti-aging: you can’t do without a night cream

The idea that it’s better to let your epidermis “breathe” during the night seems to me totally far-fetched! From the age of 45, if you don’t put anything on your skin before going to bed, it risks losing its lipids during sleep. When you have normal skin, you can very well choose a cream for dry skin. Finally, if you don’t like this feeling, you don’t have to put on heavy cream.

Why does it work?

Lipid intake plays an extremely important role regardless of your skin type. It is thanks to them that the epidermis maintains its balance, protects and defends itself against external aggressions. Especially when it’s cold, and even more when it gets old. We therefore choose an anti-aging treatment that contains enough “fat” (Substiane + from La Roche-Posay, for example).

Anti-ageing: we relax our face

Recent studies have highlighted the importance of sleep for the beauty of the skin . No cream really erases the fatigue that shows on the face. The only solution is to rest, get enough sleep, de-stress. Because the more you lack sleep, the more the dark circles are marked and the more the complexion is dull. Morality: the evenings where it is possible, we go to bed earlier, and at 10 p.m. maximum, we sleep .

Why does it work?

Intuitively, we all know that our features are much more rested when we have slept well. A finding confirmed by various chronobiology studies, which have shown that our body, and therefore our skin, recovers at night. It is from 1 o’clock in the morning that it begins to repair itself. Thus, during the day, it protects itself better against attacks.

Anti-aging: we say no to pockets!

In case of bags under the eyes, it is not recommended to sleep flat, either on the stomach or on the back. Indeed, when the head is too low, the lymphatic drainage in the face is less good. The solution is therefore to sleep with a pillow that supports the head well, preferably in a cool room. It is also necessary to avoid applying a cream that is too greasy near the eyes, in the evening at bedtime.

Why does it work?

When lying down, water tends to stagnate in the vessels, which causes swelling. If you wake up with puffiness, press alternately with two fingers on the lower eyelids: it drives out the water, and the eyes gradually deflate.

Anti-aging: we massage his tense features

For the face too, massage deserves to be rehabilitated! Because over time, expression lines can give him a hard and contracted appearance, perpetually worried. If we cannot remove a wrinkle, we can on the other hand relax the features. When you apply your cream morning and evening, just smooth your skin with the fingers of both hands, making upward movements.

Why does it work?

During massage, the body secretes antioxidant hormones. It also stimulates local skin micro-circulation. Hence an improvement in the exchanges and oxygenation of the tissues. It is therefore a good natural anti-wrinkle that relaxes the face. A real “plus” that amplifies the action of the cream and the penetration of active ingredients.

Anti-aging: we redraw eyebrows and lips

When we get older, the eyebrows tend to fall or flatten. However, their curve is very important because it structures the look and gives the face its balance. The ideal is to redefine them with permanent makeup. Same thing for the lip contour. On the other hand, if your upper lip has become thinner, avoid: often, the line is too dark and the result gets old.

Why does it work?

Under the effect of gravity, the face loses its firmness over the years. As a result, the eyebrows and lips change shape, which changes the face as a whole. By redefining them with permanent makeup, we restore balance to the face. It is as if a new structure was brought to it. A real youthful look.

Anti-aging: how to take good care of your body

We take care much more of our face, even of our body, than of our hands . From the age of 50, you really have to worry about them if you don’t want them to be marked and betray your age. Rather than applying a mask to this area, I recommend using Bepanthène ointment, intended for babies’ bottoms, as a night cream. It is a cheap and very well tolerated product.

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