Take the children to the doctor, finish the file for tomorrow for the important client, think about buying sneakers for the big one and make an appointment for the doctor for the little one, make the shopping list, think about the birthday of the mother-in-law, plan the train ticket for the business trip…

The “mental load”, as defined by sociologists, evokes this need to lead several lives at the same time (professional, family, personal, etc.) and to have to anticipate and manage all the deadlines of these lives, running in all directions and above all, by running the risk… of being overwhelmed… And when the mental load switches to overload, sometimes accompanied by symptoms such as great fatigue, sleep disorders or hyperemotivity, it is burn-out who is watching us.

Bach Flowers: how does it work?

Bach flowers can help to lighten this mental load, to put less pressure on yourself, to settle down and to find serenity. These elixirs, made from flowers, rebalance the emotions and allow you not to be overwhelmed by sadness, fear, anger, impatience… Based like homeopathy on the principle of hyper-dilution, the use flowers is safe, without risk of addiction and without interference with any therapeutic treatments. You will find them in pharmacies, organic stores, on the internet (mesfleursdebach.fr) and even in some specialized stores.

Elm (the Elm) is THE flower of mental workload, the flower to choose if you feel overwhelmed by everything you have to do. If the mountain of things to think about, to do, to anticipate… disarms you, leaves you weak and helpless before it, Elm will help you not to have this feeling of being overwhelmed, and will help you to do everything little by little that you have to do smoothly and without stress.

Which flowers for which ailments?

If, when you come home from work in the evening, exasperated by your day, your colleagues and your journeys, you feel tense like a violin string, and, when you should be delighted to find your dear offspring and your dear and tender , you explode in anger or in tears at the slightest teaspoon that falls or remarks innocuous, then you absolutely must take Cherry Plum (prunus). This flower, the emotional regulator of the Bach flowers, will really allow you to let go, to be less tense, and less likely to lose control and explode in anger or in tears.

If, when you think about it, it is above all you who put the pressure on yourself to make sure everything is perfect, who are extremely demanding of yourself to be irreproachable at work and at home, a few drops of Rockwater (water from source) should help you to be less of a perfectionist and to take life as it comes without putting more constraints on you than there are. You will be less stressed, less contracted and those around you will thank you.

Pine (the pine) is often also a useful elixir for those who put pressure on themselves! Indeed, Pine allows you not to feel guilty and not to reproach yourself if everything is not exactly as you would have dreamed it, if the cleaning is not perfect or if the children eat frozen foods more often than fresh vegetables.

Finally, if thoughts are spinning in your head and you spend your nights making your “to-do lists” and preparing your days for the next day, White Chestnut will allow you to calm your mind and less ruminate all your worries.

Once you have chosen the flower or flowers that are right for you, all you need to do is take 2 drops of each elixir in a glass of water for a few days’ accompaniment. If you want a longer cure, you can get a 30 ml dropper or spray bottle, which you fill with weakly mineralized water, and add 2 drops of the elixir of your choice (4 drops in the case of the emergency mix), and you take 4 drops 4 times a day for a dropper bottle or 2 sprays 4 times a day in the case of a spray bottle.

And if all this is too complicated for you, and you feel that you are on the verge of breaking down, well, simply go and consult a consultant approved by the Bach Center (BFRP) who will make you a personalized bottle, which will be more suitable for you. your personality.

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